The potential for new design ideas is virtually limit less. The architect / builder is no longer restricted to straight lines. Its as easy to create a curved structure as it is a straight one at the same cost. The inherent strength of Resiglass making the formation of unusual shapes and forms extremely easy and safe.
The finished structure can be left exposed as is straight from the mould or it could be polished, painted or treated in a variety of ways if required.
The resin used to bind the glass fragments can be clear, so as to let light penetrate, though it would not be possible to see through it. We also offer coloured tints and a solid colour skin to the inner mould surface so the product is prefinished straight from the mould.
Recent tests have been carried out with results that far exceed the requirements of the UK building regulations
A sample Resiglass panel 100mm thick withheld a constant heat of 3480 degrees Celsius for ten minutes with only a 5mm depth of penetration without significant damage or loss of structural integrity.